Welcome to Rosary Remnant

Restoring the faithful remnant

through devotion to the Holy Rosary

to resurrect true culture.

About Rosary Remnant

Thank you for visiting Rosary Remnant! My hope is that your devotion to the Most Holy Rosary will be enriched by the resources offered:

Instructions on how to pray the Rosary in English or Latin

Rosary Mysteries in Art to aid your meditation

Resources for non-Catholics to learn more about the Rosary

Blog posts on the Mysteries and Culture

Remnant Rosaries – traveling Rosaries uniting the faithful in prayer

May you be given abundant grace and peace as you go deeper in the Mysteries of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ through the Holy Rosary!

How to Pray the Rosary

How to Pray the Rosary

Rosary Mysteries in Art

Rosary Mysteries in Art

The Rosary for Non-Catholics

The Rosary for Non-Catholics

Rosary Remnant Blog

Gospel – Prayer – Culture

  • Beginnings

    Western culture is dead. We have been unmoored from truth past the point of reclaiming what was once our heritage and birthright. No longer is i...

  • Foundations: The Most Holy Rosary

    The aim of this introductory post on the Holy Rosary is to illustrate the importance of praying the Rosary as a way to intercede on behalf of ot...

  • Foundations: The Holy Remnant

    The heart of God is for the broken and lost things on this earth. His mercy seeks to mend what has been shattered and to find and restore what h...

  • Foundations: The Mystery of God

    “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him,” God has reveale...

  • The Peace of the Cross

    “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your min...

  • Returning to the Garden

    “For the Lord will comfort Zion; he will comfort all her waste places, and will make her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of t...

  • You Shall Call Him Jesus (Names Post 1 of 3)

    “O God, who founded the salvation of the human race on the Incarnation of your Word, give your peoples the mercy they implore, so that all...

  • Names Unveil Mystery (Names Post 2 of 3)

      In Exodus Chapter 3, Moses presses the voice of God in the burning bush to reveal God’s name to him. God responds to Moses, “...

  • Crisis of Names, Crisis of Identity and Meaning (Names Post 3 of 3)

      One of the greatest tasks as a parent is choosing the name of a child. Most people will carry their birth name – a name that they d...

  • Understanding Marian Devotion

      “The mind is infinitely variable in its language, but the heart is not. The heart of a man, in the face of the woman he loves, is t...

  • The Sense of the Sacred

    “All the idle moments of one’s life can be sanctified, thanks to the rosary. As we walk the streets, we pray with the rosary hidden in o...

  • Vessels of the Holy Spirit

    “For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands; for God did not give us a...

  • Mary, the New Eve

    The Old Testament prefigures the New Testament and the life of Jesus. Typology is the study of this inter-Testament relationship. Old Testament ...

  • Mary, the New Ark of the New Covenant

    “I heard a great voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be ...

  • Mary in Her Immaculate Conception and Her Glorious Assumption

    “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely...

  • Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth

    “Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. Your royal scepter is a scepter of equity; at your right hand stands the queen in gold of O...

  • Mary, Ever-Virgin

    “If we have a box in which we keep our money, we know that one thing we must always give attention to is the key; we never think that the ...

  • Believing is Seeing

    Saint Tarcisius is a saint that lived in the third century in Rome about 200 years after the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. During the p...

Remnant Rosaries

Remnant Rosaries are traveling rosaries made from the left over scraps and the rejected, disfigured rosary parts from rosary making. Like God who takes the parts of us broken and disfigured by sin and transforms us into glory, these special Remnant Rosaries are made beautiful and have a purpose despite their former ugliness. Each Remnant Rosary is given a name inspired by God’s saints. As these missionary rosaries are passed from person to person, prayed with, and travel the country and world, each destination is recorded on this website. My hope is that over time, a beautiful and inspiring story is written of God’s Spirit moving upon the earth!

Remnant Rosary Check-In